It’s the last-minute chance of a lifetime: photograph the World Rodeo Championships.
There are only a couple of rules: don’t get in the way, don’t get trampled, and don’t get frisky with the cowboys.
As if I need to be told. I tried that once when I was dumb, drunk, and eighteen, and no matter how good it felt I’m not about to make that mistake again. I’m here to make a name for myself, not become another buckle bunny.
I’m a professional, and I don’t care how charming Jackson Cody, two-time World Rodeo Champion, might be.
Even if it turns out he does remember our brief encounter all those years ago when I was dumb and drunk.
And especially not if he wants to re-start right where we left off.
It’s a terrible idea. This gig is the beginning of the rest of my life. A foot in the door. A way to prove I can be taken seriously, and Jackson is nothing more than pretty eyes, a cocky smile, and a mouth that makes the phrase yes ma’am sound absolutely filthy.
Problem is, I know what else that mouth can do, and Jackson’s only gotten better with time.
I’ve got a five-year plan. He barely thinks eight seconds ahead.
But when he rides?
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