I lost her once. I can’t lose her again.
I fight wildfires. It’s dirty, sweaty, and dangerous, but there’s nothing else like it. There’s no adrenaline boost like a hundred-foot wall of flame. There’s no victory like saving a town.
Particularly when the town you save is your ex-girlfriend’s.
Clementine’s that ex. The one I haven’t seen in eight years. The one I thought I was going to marry.
We were over a long time ago, and there was a good reason why. There were a hundred good reasons, and I used to remember them all.
But now that she’s here, I can’t remember a single one.
She’s still hotter than any fire I’ve ever fought, still the same feisty, whip-smart, headstrong girl I fell for. She makes it feel like the last eight years may as well have been eight minutes.
We already went down in flames once, but I’ve never loved anyone like I loved Clementine.
Not even close.